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Learn more about the importance of periodontal dentistry and dental implants.

Gingivitis Symptoms & How To Treat It

Gingivitis is the name given to the beginnings of gum disease. It is a common problem that is likely to affect many people at some point in life. However, if it is left untreated, it can lead to more serious forms of gum disease which may result in painful gum tissue and even tooth loss. Thankfully, gingivitis can be prevented, and it can also be reversed. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at gingivitis and how to treat it.

What are the Symptoms of Gingivitis?
There are some tell-tale signs of gingivitis, and when you know what they are you can begin to address the problem. The key symptoms of gingivitis are:

• Inflammation and redness of the gums
• Tender gums
• Gums that bleed after brushing or flossing
• Receding gums, where more tooth is visible above the gum line
• Bad breath.

In healthy gums, the tissue should be pink in color and firm to the touch. If you notice any changes to this appearance, it could signal the beginning of gingivitis.

What Causes Gingivitis?
One of the main causes of gingivitis is a build-up of plaque on the teeth. This is a substance created by bacteria as they work to break down our food. Plaque is common and is usually removed by brushing teeth and flossing. When oral hygiene routines are neglected, or not done properly, it can lead to an accumulation of plaque which can lead to gingivitis.

Other factors that may cause gingivitis are smoking, hormonal changes during pregnancy or puberty, some medicines, and health conditions such as diabetes.

How to Treat Gingivitis
The good news is that gingivitis can often be remedied by following an effective oral hygiene routine.

Remove plaque by brushing your teeth at least twice per day and using floss to remove food debris from between the teeth. Follow with a mouthwash recommended by your periodontist.

Regular dental checkups and appointments with your periodontist or a dental hygienist can minimize the risk of developing gingivitis, as well as treat the symptoms. A dental clean removes the build-up of hard plaque, or tartar, creating a smoother surface that makes it harder for plaque to stick to.

Sometimes, people may feel embarrassed to visit their periodontist because of gingivitis, but don’t be. It is a common problem that periodontists deal with every day. During your check-up, your periodontist will examine the health of your gums, and recommend a course of action to prevent future problems.

When trying to prevent or treat gingivitis, it is a good idea to avoid foods and beverages that contribute to plaque build-up, such as those that contain high amounts of sugar. A healthy diet not only contributes to your oral health, but to your general health too.

Further Advice on Gingivitis
If you suspect you have gingivitis, make an appointment with a dental professional at the earliest opportunity. A periodontist in Kansas City will be able to take immediate action to help stop gingivitis from becoming worse and give you some helpful advice on improving your oral care routine.

For more information on gingivitis, our expert team is here to help. Contact us today.

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