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Learn more about the importance of periodontal dentistry and dental implants.

Should I Have A Periodontist Place My Dental Implants?

The blog post "Should I Have A Periodontist Place My Dental Implants?" provides a detailed explanation of why patients might consider a periodontist over a general dentist for dental implant procedures. The post emphasizes that placing dental implants is not typically included in the general dentist curriculum, whereas periodontal residents spend three years beyond dental school specifically learning about the history, science, healing, and proper placement and management of dental implants. They also gain extensive practical experience, placing an average of 100 dental implants during their residency. The article further highlights that periodontists are more equipped to handle surgical complications such as bleeding, infection, and bone grafting procedures. While acknowledging that periodontists may charge more than general dentists, the post underscores the value of investing in the expertise and specialized training of periodontists to ensure successful dental implant placement.

We, at Periodontal Specialists, get this question a lot, especially since a lot of general dentists are starting to place more implants. It is important for patients to realize that placing dental implants is not part of the normal general dentist curriculum and very few to none of dental students ever get to place a dental implant before graduation, or ever see one actually placed. Most patients at a dental school that have implants placed either go to the Graduate Periodontal program or to the Graduate Oral Surgery program. Most general dentists get their training in implant dentistry after graduation where they attend weekend courses or classes and get to place around twenty implants before they begin to implement implant placement in their office.

You wouldn’t go to your regular physician for open heart surgery even though they know the anatomy of the area would you?

A Graduate Periodontal program or residency includes three years of training beyond dental school. During that time Periodontal Residents are taught the history, science, healing, and proper placement and management of dental implants. An average Periodontal Resident will place upwards of 100 dental implants during their residency, and are trained to manage surgical complications, including, bleeding, infection, and bone grafting procedures to enhance the success of the procedure.

It now becomes clear why dental implant placement at the Periodontal office might be more expensive than at the general dentists office. Periodontists have more training and are more equipped to provide the success and deal with the complications that may arise when evaluating a patient for implant placement.

Implants are the most successful replacement option for missing teeth and when you are looking at investing your time and money, we at Periodontal Specialists are Diplomates of the American Board of Periodontology and Dental Implant Surgery.  We are the only Board Certified Periodontal group in Kansas City and we want to make sure you are investing in the most educated and empowered. If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth, please call your local Kansas City Periodontist for a consultation.