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Learn more about the importance of periodontal dentistry and dental implants.

The Role of Nutrition in Gum Health

Apart from brushing and flossing to keep your teeth and mouth healthy, did you know that your diet plays an important part in oral health?

You eat with your teeth and mouth. The mouth is full of bacteria and germs and if you have poor eating habits and don’t brush and floss regularly, you can invite a host of oral health problems. These problems can impact the gums and lead to inflammation, pain, mouth ulcers, and worse. Poor oral health may be a causative factor in heart problems, brain stroke, lung disease, diabetes, and more.

The prevalence of gum disease
Gum disease or periodontal disease is common in 90% of people according to this study. Gum disease encompasses gums, tissues, jaws, ligaments, and even the skin surrounding the gums. While mild gum disease is easier to treat, once it becomes chronic or acute, it can result in tooth decay and tooth loss, which are more difficult to treat and expensive, too.

While you should always check with your periodontist in Kansas City if you have any gum problems or tooth decay, eating right is also important. Some foods contribute to increased bacteria in the mouth, while others can boost immunity and keep you safer.

Eating nutritionally rich foods
It’s important to avoid refined and high-sugar foods. Sweets stay in the mouth longer and can cause cavities and even gum disease. The same is the case with refined and nutritionally poor foods, fast foods, junk foods, and many packaged foods.

If your diet consists of a great deal of fast foods, frozen foods, pizzas, burgers, and other easy-to-eat foods, you may be at risk of nutritional deficiencies that can lead to poor gum health.

Instead, you should try to make efforts to include the following your diet:

- High fiber foods
- Leafy greens
- Citrus fruits (in moderation)
- Almonds and other nuts
- Seeds
- Whole grains
- Berries
- Onions
- Garlic
- Water

At the same time, avoiding highly processed meats, cheese, and packaged ready-to-eat foods that are high in refined sugars, carbohydrates, fats, and sodium. Also try to avoid sodas, sticky sweet foods, and indulging in high-sugar desserts including ice-cream, cakes, and pies.

Your diet should typically include a lot of vegetables and fruits, many of them raw. Certain vitamins are lost while cooking, so salad and fruits should be an invariable part of your meal.

Needless to say, you should avoid alcohol and tobacco which can also be a factor in gum disease.What about supplements?If you do not eat healthy, you may require some additional supplements. It’s always best to check with your periodontist or doctor before taking any supplements.

Here is a list of some of the more beneficial supplements:

- Calcium
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- Antioxidants
- Probiotics
- Omega 3 fatty acids
- Zinc

Taking supplements may be helpful if your diet is not nutritionally rich or if you are already suffering from dental issues. 

Final words
In conclusion, maintaining optimal oral health goes beyond just brushing and flossing. Your diet plays a crucial role in preventing gum disease and tooth decay. By consuming a balanced diet rich in high-fiber foods, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fruits, you can significantly improve your oral health. Avoid refined sugars, processed foods, and habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, which can exacerbate dental problems. Additionally, considering supplements like calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids can provide extra support if your diet lacks essential nutrients. Always consult with your periodontist for personalized advice to keep your gums and teeth healthy.

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