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Which Type of Dental Implants Are Best?

This blog post provides a detailed overview of several popular types of dental implants. The article discusses Endosteal implants, which are placed in the jawbone and are ideal for individuals with healthy jawbones and good oral hygiene. Subperiosteal implants, suitable for patients with insufficient bone mass, are placed on the jawbone and are more visible but easier to replace. Maryland Bridge implants are a removable option often used when traditional implants are not viable. Zirconia dental implants offer a natural look and long lifespan but can be more expensive. Lastly, All-on-Four implants provide immediate results with fewer posts, making them suitable for patients with significant bone loss.

Endosteal Implants
The first type of implant is the periodontal endosteal implant. If you are missing a tooth in the front of your mouth, this is the implant for you. It is placed in the jawbone using a small incision in the gum tissue. The implant is then screwed into place.

The implant comprises titanium and is very strong. It can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. This type of implant usually takes about six months to heal before the final restoration can be placed.

This implant is recommended for people who have a healthy jawbone and good oral hygiene. The good thing about this implant is that it can be replaced if it fails.

Subperiosteal Implants
Another common type of implant is called a subperiosteal implant. This implant is placed on the jawbone rather than below it. Subperiosteal implants are often used in patients with thin bones or who do not have enough bone mass to support other types of implants. They can also be used in patients who cannot wear traditional dentures because their palate is too high or they do not have any teeth left in their upper jaw.

One thing to note about subperiosteal implants is that they are not as stable as other types of implants, so they may not be a good option for patients who grind their teeth or clench their jaw muscles frequently. Therefore, subperiosteal implants are typically not recommended for younger patients.

One downside to subperiosteal implants is that they can be more visible than other types of implants. Hence, they are not always the best option for patients who want a natural appearance.

However, subperiosteal implants are a good option for patients who want an easy implant to remove or replace. Concerning the installation period, subperiosteal implants may require a shorter period to install.

Also, the cost of installation is lower than traditional implants.

Maryland Bridge Implants
Maryland bridge implants are a type of dental implant used to replace missing teeth. This type of implant comprises two dental implants that are placed in the jawbone on either side of the missing tooth. A bridge is then attached to these implants, which replaces the missing tooth.

Maryland bridge implants are often used when there is insufficient bone tissue in the jawbone to support traditional dental implants. They are also a perfect option for people who have had previous failed implant surgeries.

One good thing about these implants is that they can be removed if needed. Like other dental implants, Maryland bridge implants need to be appropriately cared for and maintained after the surgery to ensure long periodontal health.

Zirconia Dental Implant
Another option that you may want to consider is a bridge-less implant known as the Zirconia dental implant. It can be a bit pricey compared to other dental implants.

One good thing about this implant is that it has a very long lifespan. Therefore, it may be a perfect match for people who do not want to worry about replacing their implants in the future. It's also very strong and can withstand a lot of pressure, making it a good choice for people with heavy teeth.

Another thing to consider about Zirconia implants is how natural-looking they look compared to other types of dental implants, especially those made from titanium alloy. Because these teeth appear more natural than metal ones, many periodontists recommend them over plastic snap-on dentures.

The biggest problem with this type of dental implant is that you cannot eat on the other side as soon as the tooth comes out because there are gaps between each tooth to allow for expansion and contraction from topography changes in your mouth. This means patients have to take special precautions when eating certain types of food until they receive their permanent cap or crown, which can be several months after surgery.

All-on-Four Implants
Last but not least in this list of dental implants is the all-on-four implant. Like other dental implants, these are surgically placed into the patient's mouth and help replace one or more missing teeth. The difference between this type of implant and others is that it only requires four posts for support with an option for a bridge or denture attached right on top of them!

Final Word

So, which type of implant is the best for you? Talk to your periodontist in Kansas City about dental implants to learn more about each type and see which one is right for you. And remember, with proper care, all of these implants can last for many years!